Category: Events
So You Want to Be a Pathfinder
Well, you’re here! Thanks for considering helping Walks-the-Uncharted by learning how to become a Pathfinder! Pathfinders are some of the most important members of WtU. They gather interest, plan, organize, and lead our guild’s numerous Events. They command a certain amount of respect in the guild body, and thus carry a certain level of responsibility,…
ESO Logs for Dummies
If you want to log trials and other events on behalf of the guild, great! Here’s how to get started. Preparing to log Logging your first event If you’ve checked and there is no Encounter.log file, you’re ready to go! In a trial, right before you “go through the door,” type /encounterlog in chat. This…
Signup Bots
We use Raid-Helper to help us manage signups for our events on Discord. This page aims to address the questions and confusion we see the most. This is a guide to the Raid-Helper Bot Box and how to sign up for events. As always, more information will be posted in the event channel, such as…
Event Etiquette
It only takes one toxic person to poison a group. Don’t be that person. @Armicus No matter what event you’re excited to participate in, please: Pathfinders, please: Trials Trial participants Trial Crowns Zone Clears Zone Clear Participants PvP All PvP Events Cyrodiil Imperial City