Crafting Services

We have many Crafters in Walks-the-Uncharted. These players have put in the time and effort to master their craft, and have generously offered to donate their time and energy to our wonderful guild.

By far the best way to enlist the help of a crafter is by posting in the #crafting-requests channel on Discord. You can also ask in guild chat, but it’s less likely you’ll find someone to fulfill your request. Please do not whisper requests to crafters directly.

Head to the Guild Rules page and re-read Rule 3, just to re-familiarize yourself with it. There are some good reasons for this rule:

  • It takes a lot of time and energy for Crafters to farm our own materials. Time spent farming is time not spent doing whatever we actually want to be doing. If we wanted to sell our materials, we’d just sell them on a trader, or we’d craft sets and sell those on a trader.
  • It’s very easy to take advantage of people, inadvertently or intentionally, when charging gold. Material prices fluctuate, and a lot of players, especially new ones, have no idea what the gold value of crafted gear is. We don’t want to take advantage of anyone. Removing gold from the equation prevents this.

Gear Sets

When posting a request thread in the Discord channel, you should copy and paste this into your post, with one form per item set, and fill the form out accordingly. Do not leave ANY field empty. If you don’t follow these simple guidelines, it’s much harder to fulfill your request and it may therefore be ignored. Example below.

Please use the Crafting Calculator to estimate material totals and avoid surprises.

Note: If you do not follow this process, or your request is confusing or nonspecific, it may be deleted.

Note: Crafters! If you can’t complete the entire order, please do not take the order. Thank you!

Research Items

When posting a request thread in the Discord channel, you should copy and paste this into your post, and fill the form out accordingly. Do not leave ANY field empty. If you don’t follow these simple guidelines, it’s much harder to fulfill your request and it may therefore be ignored. Example below.

Most Crafters craft research items for free, with a couple key exceptions:

  • Nirnhoned armor (bring a Fortified Nirncrux)
  • Nirnhoned weapons (bring a Potent Nirncrux)
  • Jewelry in any trait (look up the trait material and bring it)

Furnishings and Consumables

Some of our Crafters specialize in other fields of crafting, such as food, drink, or furniture. Anyone who wants to, and who uses ESO-Database, may ask to have their trades posted here.

To create a furnishing or consumable request, please copy and paste this form into your post and fill it out as many times as necessary:

Note: Addons like Character Knowledge can vastly simplify this by showing you the recipes and plans, and by extension the materials that they require.

A few things to keep in mind

  • Assume that your Crafter does not want to accept gold as a replacement for materials you don’t have ready.
  • Crafting is time consuming. Try to remember that Crafters are just trying to enjoy the game too.
  • Do your research ahead of time, and know exactly what you want.
  • It is not your Crafter’s responsibility to provide you with a list of materials required. Some do, some don’t, but never expect it. Come prepared. Use this Crafting Calculator to estimate materials.
  • It is not your Crafter’s responsibility to tell you what you want. We’re a little more flexible when it comes to training sets, but even then you should have an at least vague idea what you’re looking for.
  • If you read your beginner build off of Alcast or somewhere and it’s telling you to wear Agility, Endurance, or Willpower, PLEASE look at some other builds. Training gear normally should include a 5 piece set of jewelry and weapons, a 5 piece set of body pieces, and head and shoulders of a third set. You will not pull top numbers with crafted gear, so you should really think about not asking your Crafter to upgrade it much. We’ll waste your materials for you if you really want, but we’d rather not.

steelwulf99’s Petition for Decency

Things that make crafters feel bad when crafting for you

  • Not being thanked. A simple acknowledgment is a small kindness, and a wonderful thing.
  • Expecting us to drop what we’re doing to craft for you.
  • Asking repeatedly for gear / expecting frequent upgrades. Just use what we made you until you reach an appropriate level for an upgrade. And you can use the same gear on another character once they can use it.
  • Not following through with prior arrangement of materials.
  • Expecting us to provide a list of materials for you. Do your research.
  • Expecting to pay with gold. It’s a lot of extra work for us to turn gold into materials.
  • Not giving us a clear picture of what exactly you want. Use the requirements form. Don’t leave anything out.

I will let you in on a secret. I belong to two other guilds and neither of them know I am a master crafter. There comes a lot of expectation with the label, and I’m happy to fill it for WtU – but even then I waited until I knew this was the right guild for me before I disclosed that I could craft. I hate the feeling that someone doesn’t value my time, or thinks that crafting is something fast and easy. If I make you a full outfit, it will be three different sets, plus enchants, and I will choose those item sets to suit your build. It takes time, time that I don’t get to spend in a dungeon or PvP or whatever. I gift that time to you to help make your game more fun, and our guild more fun, and because I like to help. But I don’t like to be taken for granted. No one does.

written by @steelwulf99, many moons ago

Example Requests

These sample requests are simply for demonstration purposes. They serve only to show what a well-organized request looks like. Yes, there are typos! It’s all part of the authentic crafting request experience!

Gear sets

An example gear crafting request

Research Items

An example research crafting request

written by

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