This is a glossary of many of the abbreviations and initialisms (and a few selected full words) commonly used in chat in ESO
Other glossaries like this exist online, but this one aims to be more comprehensive, more up-to-date, and more focused on abbreviations, as well as to make it easier to find what you’re looking for with Ctrl-F without finding lots of irrelevant middle-of-word results
This guide is almost certainly not complete! I’ve probably missed some common abbreviations. Feel free to send any additional abbreviations you want to see defined to @IIIlIlIIlllIIlllIIll
in game or in Discord, and I’ll gladly add them if I find them relevant and common enough
How to Use This Glossary
This guide is not arranged alphabetically, but by category. This way you can see related abbreviations grouped together
If you’re looking for a specific term, this guide is designed to be searchable with your browser’s Find on Page feature (e.g. Ctrl-F on a Windows device). All defined terms are followed by a colon, so you can search your abbreviation with a colon at the end to avoid results that are just the middle of some word somewhere (e.g. search SS:
rather than just SS
to avoid finding the word “message”)
- For this reason, some listings include multiple spellings or variations, each followed by a colon, to assist in being able to search for all such variations
The same abbreviation might appear in multiple categories, so be sure to cycle through all results if you’re trying to find the correct meaning in context
Table of Contents
- How to Use This Glossary
- In-Game Content
- Gameplay
- Character Building
- Crafting and Gear
- Chat and Communication
- Combat
- ESO and Servers
- Dungeons, Trials, and Arenas
- Trial Group Compositions
- PvP
- Addons
- Skills
- Gear Sets
- Trial Achievements
In-Game Content
- PvE: player vs. environment, i.e. any combat against NPC enemies
- PvP: player vs. player, i.e. combat against real players
- Norm: normal mode dungeons, trials, or arenas
- Vet: veteran mode dungeons, trials, or arenas
- HM: hardmode, a special mode that can be activated in veteran-mode dungeons and trials to make boss fights even more challenging and earn special achievements
- RND: random normal dungeon
- RVD: random veteran dungeon
- MQ: main quest
- MSQ: main story quest
- FG: fighters guild
- MG: mages guild
- TG: thieves guild
- DB: Dark Brotherhood
- RP: role playing
- HS: harrowstorm
- WB: world boss
- Dung: dungeon
- ToT: Tales of Tribute, an in-game deck-building card game
- NPC: non-player character, any person or character in the game who is not controlled by a real person
- Mob: an NPC enemy (originally named for being a mobile object as opposed to a stationary one, in early video games)
- Add: an NPC enemy in a trial or dungeon that is not a boss (usually in a boss fight); an additional enemy
- Cheev:, Cheeve:, Cheevo: achievement
- GS: guild store
- GB: guild bank
- GH: guild hall
- MotD: a player guild’s message of the day
- GM: guildmaster, leader of a player guild
These are abbreviations of certain zones in the game
- Cyro: Cyrodiil, one of the game’s PvP zones
- IC: Imperial City, one of the game’s PvP zones
- Crag: Craglorn; this zone is traditionally popularly used for finding and joining PUG groups
- Vvard: Vvardenfell
- CWC: Clockwork City
- HI: High Isle
- BR: Blackreach, a network of connected caverns located under The Reach, Western Skyrim, and Eastmarch
- NE: Northern Elsweyr
- SE: Southern Elsweyr
- WS: Western Skyrim
- WW: West Weald
- AD: Aldmeri Dominion
- DC: Daggerfall Covenant
- EP: Ebonheart Pact
- Yellow: the color of the Aldmeri Dominion
- Banana:, Bananas: players from AD alliance
- Blue: the color of the Daggerfall Covenant
- Blueberry:, Blueberries: players from DC alliance
- Red: the color of the Ebonheart Pact
- Strawberry:, Strawberries: players from EP alliance
- Rez:, Res: resurrect
- Inv: inventory
- Pot:, Pots: potions
- HS: heavy sack
- XP:, Exp: experience points
- CP: champion points, the levels and ability points earned after reaching level 50
- VC: voice chat
- Disc: Discord app
- IRL:, RL: (in) real life, outside of the game
- Bio: stepping away from the game briefly to use the restroom
- DC: getting unexpectedly disconnected from the server
- CtD: crash to desktop, the game crashing by closing entirely
- RNG: random number generation, or by extension any effect or behavior or number in the game that’s determined randomly
- FPS: frames per second, i.e. frame rate
- OP: overpowered
- Mech:, Mechs: the mechanics of a dungeon or trial
- TP: teleport; porting to another area or player
- DLC: downloadable content, extra game content that doesn’t come with the main purchase
- G: gold
- Tix: tickets, e.g. event tickets
Character Building
- Arc: arcanist
- DK: dragonknight
- Necro:, Cro: necromancer
- NB:, Blade: nightblade
- Sorc: sorcerer
- Plar: templar
- Den: warden
- Vamp: vampire
- WW: werewolf
- Toon: one of a player’s characters (probably named from older video games’ characters looking like cartoons)
- Main: the character or role a player plays most often
- Alt: an additional (alternate) character on someone’s account
Crafting and Gear
- BoE: bind on equip, an item binding to your account only when you equip the gear piece and not when you pick it up
- BoP: bind on pickup, an item binding to your account as soon as you pick up the item
- Decon: deconstructing gear
- Recon: reconstructing gear at a transmute station
- Insp: crafting inspiration, the special experience points needed to level crafting disciplines
- Mat:, Mats: materials used to craft something
- GMC: grand master crafter, the most comprehensive and difficult crafting achievement in the game
- 1H: a one handed weapon
- 2H: a two handed weapon (usually strictly the Two Handed skill line and the metal weapons belonging to it, but depending on context staves and bows may also be included)
- DW: dual wield
- S&B:, SnB: sword and board, a one hand and shield setup
- FB: frontbar
- BB: backbar
Chat and Communication
- ZC: zone chat
- GC: (1) group chat
- (2) guild chat
- DM: direct message, i.e. a whisper
- PM: private message, equivalent to DM
- PST: “please send tell,” requesting a direct message or “tell” (i.e. a whisper)
- MT: mistell, typing a message (i.e. a “tell”) to the wrong person or group or area
- WC: “wrong chat,” typing a message to the wrong person or group or area (equivalent to MT)
- AfK: away from keyboard, stepping away from the game for a short time
- BRB: “be right back”
- WB: “welcome back”
- TYFG: “thank you for group”
- TYFP: “thank you for party” (equivalent to TYFG)
- OMW: “on my way”
- OTW: “on the way”
- GJ: “good job”
- GL: “good luck”
- GLHF: “good luck; have fun”
- GG:, GGs: “good game”
- GF: “good fight,” in reference to dueling someone
- WP: “well played”
- GGWP: “good game; well played”
- GTG:, G2G: (1) “good to go”
- (2) “got to go”
- Gz: “congratulations” (abbreviated from “gratz“)
- R: “ready”
- Grp: group
- LF: looking for the specified item or people
- LFG: looking for group to do some content together
- LFM: looking for more people to join an existing group
- PUG: pick-up group or pick-up game, a group (usually for a dungeon or trial) gathering some or all members from the wild (e.g. group finder or zone chat), rather than using a pre-arranged roster
- Prog: progression group, a dedicated group of people running the same content (usually hardmode or trifecta trials, but sometimes regular veteran ones) repeatedly over multiple weeks, in an effort to improve and eventually clear the content
- PTE: leaving a dungeon or trial instance, but staying in your group if you’re in one (with default keybinds, pressing P-T-E on your keyboard will perform this action)
- PXE: leaving a group in a dungeon or trial (with default keybinds, pressing P-X-E on your keyboard will perform this action)
- PXETE: leaving a group in a dungeon or trial, and then forcing immediately leaving the instance as well (with default keybinds, pressing P-X-E-T-E on your keyboard will perform this action)
- GF: group finder
- RL: raid leader, i.e. trial leader
- KWTD:, KWYD: “know what to do / know what you’re doing,” requesting that players be familiar with the trial or dungeon in question before joining the group
- ASAP: a trial run that’s going to be run as soon as possible after enough people sign up, rather than being scheduled in advance
- FCFS: “first come, first served,” indicating that the first people to sign up for a group (usually a trial group) get the spots, rather than the leader picking and choosing
- 1T:, 2T:, 3T: requesting the specified number of tanks for a trial or dungeon group
- 1H:, 2H: requesting the specified number of healers for a trial or dungeon group
- 1D:, 2D:, 3D:, 4D:, 5D:, 6D:, 7D:, 8D:, 9D:, 1DD:, 2DD:, 3DD:, 4DD:, 5DD:, 6DD:, 7DD:, 8DD:, 9DD: requesting the specified number of damage dealers for a trial or dungeon group
- x: requesting to join a group or task that has been mentioned; often typed to sign up for trials, dungeons, and other groups
- -x: withdrawing such a signup
Buying and Selling
- PC: price check, checking guild store data for how much other players will typically buy an item for
- CoD: cash on delivery, a mail mechanism where you can request a price for an item you’re sending, and the recipient will automatically pay that price when they take the item
- WTS: “I want to sell an item”
- WTB: “I want to buy an item”
- WTT: “I want to trade an item for another item”
- LTS: “looking to sell” (equivalent to WTS)
- LTB: “looking to buy” (equivalent to WTB)
- LTT: “looking to trade” (equivalent to WTT)
- Mag: magicka
- Stam: stamina
- AoE: an area of effect ability, affecting multiple targets in an area rather than just one
- ST: a single target ability, affecting just one target
- DoT: a damage over time ability, damaging its targets by small amounts over an extended time, rather than a single burst of damage all at once
- HoT: a healing over time ability, healing its targets by small amounts over an extended time, rather than a single burst of healing all at once
- DPS: (1) damage per second, i.e. a measure of how fast a player can put out damage
- (2) by extension, a damage dealer role in a group
- DD: damage dealer
- CC: crowd control, any effect that stuns or slows an enemy
- Aggro: an NPC enemy’s intention toward attacking a particular player
- CD: an ability or effect’s cooldown timer
- Proc: triggering an effect (e.g. a gear set bonus or an enemy effect) by doing some specific action (originally described from a computer code standpoint as a procedure)
- BiS: best in slot, the best item, skill, etc. that you could be using for the particular encounter
- LA: light attack
- HA: heavy attack
- LAW: light attack weaving
- Ult:, Ulti: ultimate
- GCD: global cooldown, the one-second cooldown between being able to cast skills
- CPM: casts per minute; the rate at which you can cast skills, light attacks, etc.
- Crit: critical hit
- Pen: penetration stat
ESO and Servers
- ESO:, TESO: (The) Elder Scrolls Online
- TES: The Elder Scrolls franchise at large
- MMO: massively multiplayer online, the type of game that ESO is, with many players together able to interact with each other
- RPG: role-playing game, the type of game that ESO is, where you design a character, control its actions through stories, and improve it through various stat changes
- MMORPG: massively multiplayer online role-playing game, the type of game that ESO is, both an MMO and an RPG
- ZOS: Zenimax Online Studios, the developers of ESO
- PCNA: ESO’s server for PC players in North America
- PCEU: ESO’s server for PC players in Europe
- PSNA: ESO’s server for PlayStation players in North America
- PSEU: ESO’s server for PlayStation players in Europe
- PTS: public test server, ESO’s separate server where players can test upcoming game updates as well as different features and builds, with access to all unlockables and unlimited gold and materials
Dungeons, Trials, and Arenas
An “n” before a dungeon, trial, or arena name indicates normal mode; a “v” indicates veteran mode. For instance, nHRC is Hel Ra Citadel trial in normal mode, and vHRC is HRC in veteran mode
- AA:, nAA:, vAA: (normal/veteran) Aetherian Archive
- HRC:, nHRC:, vHRC: (normal/veteran) Hel Ra Citadel
- SO:, nSO:, vSO: (normal/veteran) Sanctum Ophidia
- KA:, nKA:, vKA: (normal/veteran) Kyne’s Aegis
- SS:, nSS:, vSS: (normal/veteran) Sunspire
- CR:, nCR:, vCR: (normal/veteran) Cloudrest
- nCR+0:, nCR+1:, nCR+2:, nCR+3:, vCR+0:, vCR+1:, vCR+2:, vCR+3: +1, +2, and +3 denote more challenging modes of Cloudrest where one, two, or all three minibosses are fought simultaneously with the endboss, instead of separately
- nCR0:, nCR1:, nCR2:, nCR3:, vCR0:, vCR1:, vCR2:, vCR3: (see above)
- AS:, nAS:, vAS: (normal/veteran) Asylum Sanctorium
- nAS+0:, nAS+1:, nAS+2:, vAS+0:, vAS+1:, vAS+2: +1 and +2 denote more challenging modes of Asylum Sanctorium where one or both minibosses are fought simultaneously with the endboss, instead of separately
- nAS0:, nAS1:, nAS2:, vAS0:, vAS1:, vAS2: (see above)
- HoF:, nHoF:, vHoF: (normal/veteran) Halls of Fabrication
- MoL:, nMoL:, vMoL: (normal/veteran) Maw of Lorkhaj
- RG:, nRG:, vRG: (normal/veteran) Rockgrove
- DSR:, nDSR:, vDSR: (normal/veteran) Dreadsail Reef
- SE:, nSE:, vSE: (normal/veteran) Sanity’s Edge
- LC:, nLC:, vLC: (normal/veteran) Lucent Citadel
Note: This is not a comprehensive list of all dungeons, only the ones that are commonly abbreviated
- BC1:, nBC1:, vBC1: (normal/veteran) The Banished Cells I (not to be confused with Blessed Crucible)
- BC2:, nBC2:, vBC2: (normal/veteran) The Banished Cells II
- BH:, nBH:, vBH:, BHH:, nBHH:, vBHH: (normal/veteran) Blackheart Haven
- BC:, nBC:, vBC: (normal/veteran) Blessed Crucible (not to be confused with The Banished Cells I/II)
- CoA1:, nCoA1:, vCoA1: (normal/veteran) City of Ash I
- CoA2:, nCoA2:, vCoA2: (normal/veteran) City of Ash II
- CoH1:, nCoH1:, vCoH1: (normal/veteran) Crypt of Hearts I
- CoH2:, nCoH2:, vCoH2: (normal/veteran) Crypt of Hearts II
- DC1:, nDC1:, nDC2:, DSC1:, nDSC1:, vDSC1: (normal/veteran) Darkshade Caverns I (not to be confused with The Dread Cellar)
- DC2:, nDC2:, vDC2:, DSC2:, nDSC2:, vDSC2: (normal/veteran) Darkshade Caverns II
- DFK:, nDFK:, vDFK: (normal/veteran) Direfrost Keep
- EH1:, nEH1:, vEH1: (normal/veteran) Elden Hollow I
- EH2:, nEH2:, vEH2: (normal/veteran) Elden Hollow II
- FG1:, nFG1:, vFG1: (normal/veteran) Fungal Grotto I
- FG2:, nFG2:, vFG2: (normal/veteran) Fungal Grotto II
- SC1:, nSC1:, vSC1: (normal/veteran) Spindleclutch I
- SC2:, nSC2:, vSC2: (normal/veteran) Spindleclutch II
- TI:, nTI:, vTI: (normal/veteran) Tempest Island
- VoM:, nVoM:, vVoM: (normal/veteran) Vaults of Madness
- WS1:, nWS1:, vWS1: (normal/veteran) Wayrest Sewers I
- WS2:, nWS2:, vWS2: (normal/veteran) Wayrest Sewers II
- BS:, nBS:, vBS: (normal/veteran) Bal Sunnar
- BV:, nBV:, vBV: (normal/veteran) Bedlam Veil
- BDV:, nBDV:, vBDV: (normal/veteran) Black Drake Villa
- BRF:, nBRF:, vBRF: (normal/veteran) Bloodroot Forge
- CT:, nCT:, vCT: (normal/veteran) Castle Thorn
- CA:, nCA:, vCA: (normal/veteran) Coral Aerie
- CoS:, nCoS:, vCoS: (normal/veteran) Cradle of Shadows
- DoM:, nDoM:, vDoM: (normal/veteran) Depths of Malatar
- DC:, nDC:, vDC: (normal/veteran) The Dread Cellar (not to be confused with Darkshade Caverns I/II)
- ERE:, nERE:, vERE: (normal/veteran) Earthen Root Enclave
- FL:, nFL:, vFL: (normal/veteran) Fang Lair
- FRH:, nFRH:, vFRH, FH:, nFH:, vFH: (normal/veteran) Falkreath Hold
- FV:, nFV:, vFV: (normal/veteran) Frostvault
- GD:, nGD:, vGD: (normal/veteran) Graven Deep
- IR:, nIR:, vIR: (normal/veteran) Icereach
- ICP:, nICP:, vICP: (normal/veteran) Imperial City Prison
- LoM:, nLoM:, vLoM: (normal/veteran) Lair of Maarselok
- MoS:, nMoS:, vMoS: (normal/veteran) March of Sacrifices
- MGF:, nMGF:, vMGF:, MF:, nMF:, vMF: (normal/veteran) Moongrave Fane
- MHK:, nMHK:, vMHK: (normal/veteran) Moon Hunter Keep
- OSP:, nOSP:, vOSP: (normal/veteran) Oathsworn Pit
- RPB:, nRPB:, vRPB: (normal/veteran) Red Petal Bastion
- RoM:, nRoM:, vRoM: (normal/veteran) Ruins of Mazzatun
- SCP:, nSCP:, vSCP: (normal/veteran) Scalecaller Peak
- SH:, nSH:, vSH: (normal/veteran) Scrivener’s Hall
- SWR:, nSWR:, vSWR: (normal/veteran) Shipwright’s Regret
- SG:, nSG:, vSG: (normal/veteran) Stone Garden
- UHG:, nUHG:, vUHG:, UG:, nUG:, vUG: (normal/veteran) Unhallowed Grave
- WGT:, nWGT:, vWGT: (normal/veteran) White-Gold Tower
- BRP:, nBRP:, vBRP: (normal/veteran) Blackrose Prison
- DSA:, nDSA:, vDSA: (normal/veteran) Dragonstar Arena
- MA:, nMA:, vMA: (normal/veteran) Maelstrom Arena
- VH:, nVH:, vVH: (normal/veteran) Vateshran Hollows
- IA: Infinite Archive
Trial Group Compositions
These terms are related to group compositions in trials
- MT: main tank, the primary tank, usually taunting the main boss
- OT: off-tank, a secondary tank, usually taunting additional targets
- GH: group healer, a healer whose job is more or less solely to heal and buff the group, rather than dealing with special mechanics
- KH: kite healer, a healer who has the extra job of handling a particular mechanic by drawing it away from the group and kiting it to avoid being hit themselves
- TH: (1) tomb healer (specific to Sunspire trial), a healer who has the extra job of healing a teammate out of a “tomb,” a mechanic that freezes that teammate in place, drops their health, and damages the group heavily if the healer can’t heal the tombed player back to full within a time limit
- (2) tank healer (specific to Asylum Sanctorium trial), a healer who has the extra job of handling kite mechanics, nominally in addition to healing the tank (though this role is often reduced to just a kite role with no real healing)
- AP: alliance points, a special currency in Cyrodiil
- RftW: Rewards for the Worthy, a container of rewards mailed to you each time you reach certain alliance point thresholds
- FC: forward camp
- FD: front door of a keep
- RSS: resources, the three flag areas (farm, lumbermill, mine) nearby each keep
- LM: lumbermill, one of the three resources near each keep
- Inc: “enemy players are incoming“
- UA: under attack
- Lit: under attack (i.e. a keep having its icon marked or lit up on the map due to being under attack)
- Cut:, Cutting: a keep having all its resources captured by enemies, preventing the alliance that owns the keep from porting to or through it
- Cap: capturing a keep
- Rep: repairing a keep’s doors or walls
- 911: requesting help at a particular place
- Zerg: a large group of players moving and fighting together, usually not as well coordinated as a ball group
- Gank: sneaking up on a player from stealth to kill them suddenly
- LoS: line of sight, or by extension breaking a player’s line of sight to you by moving around a tall object or hill
- 1v1: one player fighting against one other player
- 1vX: one player fighting against many other players
- AvA: alliance vs. alliance PvP content (as opposed to battlegrounds or duels)
- Orange: players from both EP (red) and AD (yellow) in one place together
- Green: players from both AD (yellow) and DC (blue) in one place together
- Purple: players from both DC (blue) and EP (red) in one place together
- Hammer: the Volendrung artifact that spawns periodically and gives the holder special abilities and buffs
- Emp: emperor
- Camp: one of Cyrodiil’s campaigns with different rules regarding champion point passives, proc sets, and alliance locking
- BR: Blackreach, Cyrodiil’s campaign with Champion Point passives enabled
- RW: Ravenwatch, Cyrodiil’s campaign with Champion Point passives disabled
- IR: Icereach, Cyrodiil’s campaign for characters under level 50
- GH: Grey Host, Cyrodiil’s alliance locked campaign
- BG:, BGs: (1) Battlegrounds
- (2) ball group, a powerful and well organized group of players who move together and buff each other in order to quickly wipe out enemies
- DM: the Deathmatch Battlegrounds mode
- MYM: the semiannual Whitestrake’s Mayhem PvP event (formerly called Midyear Mayhem)
Cyrodiil Keeps and Towns
Note: This is not a comprehensive list of keeps in Cyrodiil, just the ones that are commonly abbreviated
- Ray: Fort Rayles, in the northwest corner
- Glade: Fort Glademist, in the northwest corner
- Ales: Fort Aleswell, in the north (not to be confused with Castle Alessia)
- DC:, DClaw: Fort Dragonclaw, in the north
- Bleak:, Bleaks: Bleaker’s Outpost, in the north
- WP:, WPO: Winter’s Peak Outpost, in the north
- Vlast: Vlastarus town, in the southwest
- BB: Castle Black Boot, in the south corner
- BM: Castle Bloodmayne, in the south corner
- Fare: Castle Faregyl, in the south corner
- Roe: Castle Roebeck, in the south
- Aless: Castle Alessia, in the south (not to be confused with Fort Aleswell)
- Brin: Castle Brindle, in the west
- Nik: Nikel Outpost, in the west
- Carm: Carmala Outpost, in the west
- Crops: Cropsford town, in the southeast
- KC: Kingscrest Keep, in the northeast corner
- Farra: Farragut Keep, in the northeast corner
- Arr: Arrius Keep, in the northeast
- Chal: Chalman Keep, in the north
- BRK: Blue Road Keep, in the east
- Drake: Drakelowe Keep, in the southeast
- Sej: Sejanus Outpost, in the southeast
- HO: Harlun’s Outpost, in the east
- ATT: Arkadius’ Trade Tools, for price checking
- MM: Master Merchant, for price checking
- TTC: Tamriel Trade Centre, for price checking (either the addon or its website)
- EHT: Essential Housing Tools, for house decorating
- CMX: Combat Metrics, for analyzing fight stats
- BMU: BeamMeUp, for finding people to port to for free in each zone in the game
- PAT: Pithka’s Achievement Tracker, for showing dungeon and trial completion achievements in a convenient interface
- AI: AutoInvite, for automatically inviting people to group with you when they type a certain word in chat (like “x”)
- BGM: Bandit’s Gear Manager, for arranging preset loadouts of your gear and skills
Some selected commonly abbreviated skills
- FoO: Flames of Oblivion, a dragonknight skill
- GDB: Green Dragon Blood, a dragonknight skill
- BA: (1) Bound Aegis, a sorcerer skill
- (2) Bound Armaments, a sorcerer skill
- CWeap:, C-Weap: (1) Crystal Weapon, a sorcerer skill
- (2) Concealed Weapon, a nightblade skill
- Incap: Incapacitating Strike, a nightblade skill
- Debil: Debilitate, a nightblade skill
- PotL: Power of the Light, a templar skill
- BB: Blighted Blastbones, a necromancer skill
- RotCP: Rune of the Colorless Pool, an arcanist skill
- CShock:, C-Shock: Crushing Shock, a destruction staff skill
- EleSus:, EleSusc:, Ele-Sus:, Ele-Susc:, Ele Sus:, Ele Susc: Elemental Susceptibility, a destruction staff skill
- DStance:, D-Stance: Defensive Stance, a two-handed skill
- DSwing:, D-Swing: Dizzying Swing, a two-handed skill
- DB: Dawnbreaker, a fighters guild skill
- RoP: Ring of Preservation, a fighters guild skill
- Degen: Degeneration, a mages guild skill
- RAT: Race Against Time, a psijic order skill
Gear Sets
These are some of the most common abbreviations for gear sets, mostly for sets that are (or have previously been) popularly used in endgame trials and dungeons
- BSW: Burning Spellweave, a damage dealing set
- MS: Mother’s Sorrow, a damage dealing set
- AY: Berserking Warrior (a.k.a. Advancing Yokeda), a damage dealing set
- Rele: Arms of Relequen, a damage dealing set
- FGD:, FG: False God’s Devotion, a damage dealing set
- VO: Vicious Ophidian, a damage dealing set
- OW: Order’s Wrath, a damage dealing set
- NMA: New Moon Acolyte, a damage dealing set
- Kosh: Roar of Alkosh, a debuff utility set used by damage dealers and sometimes tanks
- ZK:, ZenKosh: the combination of Z’en’s Redress and Roar of Alkosh, a debuff utility setup used by damage dealers
- EC: Elemental Catalyst, a debuff utility set used by damage dealers
- MK: Martial Knowledge, a debuff utility set used by damage dealers
- IA: Infallible Mage (a.k.a. Infallible Aether), a debuff utility set used by damage dealers
- WM: War Machine, a group buff set used by damage dealers
- MA: Master Architect, a group buff set used by healers and sometimes damage dealers
- RO: Roaring Opportunist, a group buff set used by healers
- ROJO:, RO-JO: the combination of Roaring Opportunist and Jorvuld’s Guidance, a group buff setup used by healers
- SPC: Spell Power Cure, a group buff set used by healers
- Olo: Vestment of Olorime, a group buff set used by healers
- PP: Pillager’s Profit, a group utility set used by healers
- PA: Powerful Assault, a group buff set used by tanks and healers
- Sax: Saxhleel Champion, a group buff set used by tanks
- PW: Pearlescent Ward, a group buff set used by tanks
- Yoln:, Yolna: Claw of Yolnahkriin, a group buff set used by tanks
- LE: Lucent Echoes, a debuff utility set used by tanks
- TT: Turning Tide, a debuff utility set used by tanks
- SoB: Symphony of Blades, a group buff monster set used by healers
- Oze: Ozezan the Inferno, a group buff monster set used by healers
- Naz: Nazaray, a debuff utility monster set used by tanks and healers
- AD:, ADD: Archdruid Devyric, a debuff utility monster set used by tanks
- BZ: Baron Zaudrus, a utility monster set used by tanks
- DDF: Death Dealer’s Fete, a self-buff mythic used by damage dealers
- PoE: Pearls of Ehlnofey, a utility mythic used by healers
- RotPO:, RoPO: Ring of the Pale Order, a self-buff mythic used in solo builds
- RotWH:, RoWH: Ring of the Wild Hunt, a movement speed mythic
Trial Achievements
These are common abbreviations for selected trial achievements
- DD: Dro-m’Athra Destroyer, the most difficult achievement for Maw of Lorkhaj trial
- TTT: Tick-Tock Tormentor, the trifecta achievement for Halls of Fabrication trial
- IR: Immortal Redeemer, the trifecta achievement for Asylum Sanctorium trial
- DB: Dawnbringer, the trifecta achievement for Kyne’s Aegis trial
- GS: Godslayer, the trifecta achievement for Sunspire trial
- GH: Gryphon Heart, the trifecta achievement for Cloudrest trial
- PB: Planesbreaker, the trifecta achievement for Rockgrove trial
- SS: Swashbuckler Supreme, the trifecta achievement for Dreadsail Reef trial
- MM: Mindmender, the trifecta achievement for Sanity’s Edge trial
- US: Unstoppable, the trifecta achievement for Lucent Citadel trial