History of WtU

When @tralce and @typus42 first started playing ESO, they were looking for co-op Skyrim. They weren’t too into the social aspect, never played any MMO before. They had no idea how to do anything, got dumped into Vvardenfell without so much as a thank you from ZOS and no real reason why they were there. After about a week, they got flattened by the Queen’s Consort. They went to Vivec City in a half-rage and @tralce yelled out in Zone chat “Where the HELL do you buy soul gems?!”

The co-founder of a fairly famous guild saw their desperate plea and immediately sent us 50 full and 200 empty gems, each, and invited them to join his guild, despite the fact that they’re really a vet/endgame/trial guild. When they joined, he yelled out on the guild chat something to the effect of “guys, we gotta get these two set up!” and over the next 20 minutes, despite being level 16 noobs with no clue, @tralce and @typus42 had each been mailed 350K gold, 30 Psijic Ambrosia, a bunch of tri stat foods, and a full set of New Moon Acolytes / Hunding’s Rage training gear. He took them to the guild hall and got them set up with their first Mundus Boons, and explained what they were. Explained tons of stuff. At least 10 people in the guild offered any kind of help they needed, any time. The only thing that the guild asked of them was to pay it forward. They were very clear that they didn’t want anything in return. Just help the next guy.

That was the turning point for them. They weren’t sure they’d stick to ESO until then. But when they saw what a kind, decent community it has, they stayed. Subscribed to Plus. Did their best to get good, and earn enough to finally give back. This was the inspiration for WtU. Today, they still strive to help everyone they can, whenever they can. That’s what WtU is about.

Hall of the Lunar Champion

When we first began to grow, we moved into @tralce‘s Hall of the Lunar Champion. We used this Hall for over a year, and made many wonderful memories there. Here are some screenshots, for posterity, taken on the day we moved to Lakemire.

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