Monthly Fishy Raffle

In addition to the bi-weekly raffle, Walks-the-Uncharted is proud to host the monthly Fishy Raffle! Here’s everything you need to know.

  • Send your unfileted fish – that is, items like Dhufish, Spadetail, Slaughterfish, etc – to @wtu in an in-game mail. Every fish you send counts as one ticket in the Fishy Raffle. There is no limit to the number of fish you can submit.
  • On the first day of every month – time permitting – we filet all the fish, and collect the Perfect Roe.
  • WtU keeps half of the Roe to sell to support our trader.
  • Three lucky winners win 25%, 15%, and 10% (rounded) of the Roe we receive.
  • We will skip the drawing if the reserve – currently 5,000 fish – is not achieved. If a drawing is skipped, the entries roll over into the next month’s raffle.

If you’d like to learn more about fishing in ESO, visit UESP. If you’re in search of fishing holes, visit my Fishing Maps.

For a current price for Perfect Roe, check Tamriel Trade Centre or ESO-Hub.

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