Category: Staff
Event Sign-Up How-To
The purpose of this page is to cover the process for creating an event. Ping members’ roles. We have several event-specific roles, such as @Trials and @PvP-EP. Officers, create an entry in the Guild MOTD in-game. Non-officers, have an Officer or Guildmaster do it for you. If you don’t say anything it might not get…
Guild MOTD
Guidelines Top section The top line of the MOTD should always be: Welcome to |ceb00f1Walks-The-Uncharted|r!”***If you don’t want your |cf1ca00treasure maps|r, send them to |cd0780b@tralce!|r*** Event / Middle section EnergySynergy’s table of event colors Color Name Hex code Event type Aldmeri Yellow fffd42 PvP AD Event Covenant Blue 000ff5 PvP DC Event Pact Red fe2a46…